
The Best Run Commands For Windows 10

Run Commands in windows is essential,  you can use some commands in the Command prompt CMD tool or in the run window tool, that’s commands’ main job to help you in all tasks such as opening the registry editor or checking your disk chkdsk command and more… so in this article, I will tell you about run commands for windows 10. I split them according to their function and purpose if you like you can watch this video about how to use run commands.


First, you want to press the Windows key + R to open the run box then paste or write the code and enter

Before we start you can download the entire command text file

windows key + r

1. Most importantly run commands

cmd     Open the black screen or the cmd command prompt
regedit     Open Registry Editor.
services.msc     To open Windows Services.
Winver     Check Windows version
taskmgr     Command to open Task Manager or Task Manager

msconfig     Opens the System Configuration Utility
mstsc     Open the Remote Desktop tool
logoff      log off Windows
chkdsk       Command to check disk
dxdiag      Open the troubleshooter

compmgmt.msc       Computer management including system and storage tools, services, and applications
Defrag         Open Defrag Command
dcomcnfg     Open disk partition manager
devmgmt.msc      Open Device manager
diskmgmt.msc      Disk Partition Manager
eventvwr.msc      event viewer

fsmgmt.msc      Shared Folders (File Sharing Manager)
gpedit.msc       Open Group Policy Editor
lusrmgr.msc       local user and groups
perfmon.msc       Performance Monitor
rekeywiz       file encryption

2. Commands that open apps in windows

Notepad     Command to open notepad
mailto     Opens the default mail application
calc     Open calculator
joy.cpl     Game controller
magnify     Open magnifier

mip     Math input panel
mspaint     Open paint program
Narrato     Open Narrator
powershell     Open PowerShell
sndvol     Volume control

wmplayer     Windows Media Player
write     Open WordPad
xpsrchvw     Open XPS Viewer
snippingtool     Run the screen capture tool

stikynot     Run the Sticky Notes note-taking tool
utilman      Opens Narrator settings
Winword     Opens Word
Word / safe      Word safe mode

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3. Commands to access system files

%AllUsersProfile%     Program Data
%ProgramFiles%     Program Files
%SystemDrive%     SystemDrive
%SystemRoot%     system root
%Temp%     temporary folder
%UserProfile%      is a user profile
%WinDir%     Windows Directory

Commands for the System File Checker tool

note: you need to open a command prompt as an administrator

sfc /scannow      scan for system files
sfc /scanonce      scanning light on next boot
sfc /scanboot       scanning light on take off
sfc /revert      Return to default settings
sfc /purgecache      open the Purge File Cache
sfc /cachesize = x       system file checker tool (set cache size to size x)

Finally, I hope my article added some valuable information to you. IF you have some questions? Let me know in the comments below. I’ll try my best to answer them.

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