what is xbox game bar

What is Xbox game bar & How to use it?

what is Xbox game bar ? in brief it’s a customizable overlay utility that every gamer uses. It gave you instant widgets in your windows bar available in windows 10 or 11 in my case I use it to record screen its an easy and light program, not everybody knows it so in this article I will tell you about the Xbox game bar if you like you can see this video about Xbox game bar on my channel.

What is Xbox game bar & How to use it?

1. How to download the Xbox game bar?

you can download the Xbox game bar from the Microsoft store  if not installed in your Windows by default

xbox microsoft store

2. how to use the Xbox game bar?

Xbox game bar found in your windows if you are using Windows 10 or 11  to open the Xbox Game Bar Win + G  the simple overlay widgets appear on your screen with some cool stuff you will have the capture layout, performance layout, Audio layout, and resources layout


that is the best feature of the Xbox game bar that allows you can capture your screen and record it without fps dropping or you can use it to record from your browsers if you have an online class or something and all is free 🙂 to start recording windows key + alt +R to take screen shoot windows key +alt +prtscn turn mic on or off windows key +alt +M record last 30-second windows key +alt + G.

3. Adjust the sound volume from the Audio menu

Simply you can adjust the volume from this cool menu from the mix tap were displays your audio system speakers/headphones ext. and the voice tap where you can control the mic volume and its sensitivity.

4. performance widgets when you are gaming

The best thing in the Xbox game bar is the performance widget that allows you to monitor the CPU /GPU / VRAM /RAM  and the FPS  all that data will be displayed on your screen when you are gaming  🙂 I know that is a good  and simple way to have this good amount of data when you are gaming.

performance widgets when you are gaming

5. Resources widget from Xbox Game Bar 

As a performance widget resource is very important to know the app is taking the power of your machine where top tasks are shown and as you see the impact tap showing if take high medium or low resources.


6. additional social media widgets  and stuff in the Xbox game bar

the main bar

There are some additional social platforms such as Xbox social accounts that allow you to chat with your friends as while you are playing using Messenger and use Xbox services also if you like to listen to music Spotify widget as a music player 

For more information about this article click here to watch the video about the Xbox game bar

Finally, I hope my article added some valuable information to you. IF you have some questions? Let me know in the comments below. I’ll try my best to answer them.

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